Security Solutions

Securing your peace of mind.

What are your unique success metrics? Decrease risks by upgrading your current security processes, practices, and infrastructure? Reduce costs by integrating CASB or SECaaS into your existing strategy? Whatever your metrics, you can count on our solutions to keep your most important assets safe and sound.

The security experts from Zones nfrastructure, the Services Company of Zones, can help you keep your data safe from bad actors as well as bad luck. Our team can help you design a strategy to provide greater visibility to where mission-critical data resides, who has access to it and most of all how to protect it using the latest security technologies. The Zones Security team will design & implement an endpoint protection solution to help you secure your sensitive data and protect against data loss via prevention, detection and remediation of potentially harmful virus and malware infections for all your endpoints.

Our team of security experts will design a solution custom to your environment that will help you protect servers from security threats via anti-malware, firewall and intrusion detection and prevention hardware or software.

Data Loss, whether malicious or accidental, represents one of the largest areas of risk for most companies today. Our Security Architects will work with your team to identify & classify data critical to your business, who has access to it, and what they do with it. We will then design & implement a leading-edge Data Loss Prevention solution to monitor data throughout its lifecycle, detecting potential breach or data loss transmissions and prevent them whether they are in use (applications), in motion (network) or at rest (storage).

With expert-level certifications from the leading security brands, Zones nfrastructure will work with your IT team to architect a cost-effective and scalable solution to protect your network assets 24x7x365. Zones can help you protect network infrastructure by gaining more visibility & control over security technologies - applications, firewalls, IPS, content filtering - through a single management platform.

At Zones, we're all about keeping the bad actors out of your environment. Our Zones nfrastructure Security Team can deliver the latest authentication & network access management solutions to reinforce your network security strategy, providing you greater control over who has access to network resources, where they can go, and what they can do.

Email & Web access is the lifeblood of many organizations today. Our Solution Architects & Solutions Engineers will work with your team to identify, design & implement the best of breed Web & Email solutions like Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and Email Gateways to help secure your email accounts from external threats and protecting your web applications & servers from web-based attacks.